Are the Pirates Really Winning

So much has already been said regarding Piracy of Software,  That surely  by now  Everyone Knows that it is Wrong!  Software Houses are screaming out  to everyone  that will listen that their product is expensive  because  of  the high rate of Theft/Piracy in the world. So just how much is this affecting the BIG players in the Industry?

Well!  Microsoft have just announced that they are so concerned about Pirate copies  of  their  software being Available in Eastern  Europe  that  it  is cutting its software prices by 60% until the end of the year? Now perhaps it just me! But does this not send out a Message to the rest of the World?

" If you Dare Pirate Microsoft Software we will cut Prices!"

I  certainly have no objections to any company cutting prices,  However  for Microsoft to only cut these prices in the Eastern Bloc,
Where Piracy is Rife is sending the wrong message to the rest of us!

Eidos!   Perhaps one of the best known Games company in the World  has  just announced they have bought a 20% stake in the US  Internet  company Maximum.

Maximum  offers video games,  consoles and other products over the Internet, Eidos  Chief executive said the company had the ideal partner to allow  them to  combine  content  and e-commerce in reaching  10  to  34-year  old  game players.

The  point here is Eidos paid out £34 Million for the 20% share of  Maximum, Certainly.   Not  bad  for  a company who are losing  millions  to  Software Pirates.

Technology gone Crazy?

I  read with a certain amout of interest that Designer Kursty Groves  (  Who??)  has just invented the Ultimate in female underware ....A Bra that could prevent you from being attacked.

It  appears that the Bra has a computer chip in it which would emit  a  high Piercing  alarm when the wearer's Heart rate suddenly rises high  enough  to indicate an attack!

Mmm!   I have some bad news for you Kursty!  I can think of several ways  to raise a Womans heatbeat to a high level,
And the last thing i would want was a bloody alarm telling me I was succeeding!

Apple Mac not dead

Permit  me  a little smirk here!  But it has been announced that Bill  Gates Empire  "Microsoft" Use a Mac computer to write its annual report!  So  much for the All singing combination of the top of the range PC running Microsoft Software,  Can do it all syndrome! It appears even Gates has to admit defeat sometimes.

PC's and LHA files

LHA File are, Of course pretty standard on the Amiga! However I know quite a few  readers use a PC for internet Access,  And some have difficulty reading or  Downloading these files,  So I noticed this in a Computer  Magazine  and thought it might help some.

To decompress LHA files, You'll need to download "WinAce" from

During the installation you will be asked what file type you would  like  it to  associate the program with ---Choose .lha to use it for  these  kind  of files.  Once you've restarted, you should be able to open the file by double clicking on the archieve icons.

Hope this help someone?